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Hair Growth Cycle

Written By Unknown on Saturday, May 31, 2014 | 4:22 PM

Your hair is constantly growing and has several cycles and stages in the process.  While the hair grows, you also lose up to 200 hairs each day, naturally.  There are three main cycles of growth.

 Hair Growth Cycle: Hair Structure: Hair is composed of strong structural protein called keratin

The Anagen Stage

The Anagen Stages is the first step in the cycle of hair growth.  The hair follicle is working to form protein packs into chains.  As the chain lengthens, it pushes out from the follicle and the hair grows.  This particular phase in hair growthcan last up to as long as eight years.

The Catagen Stage

As each individual hair completes the growth stage, it begins to break down.  As this takes place, the follicle starts to shrink which causes the hair root to be separated from the blood supply and the follicle walls.

The Telogen Stage

At this point in the hair growth cycle, the follicle is resting in order to make preparations to build a new hair.  It is during this time that the existing hair that is resting in the follicle will fall out.  As the follicle rests, it gathers a new protein store to create a new hair with.

These various cycles can overlap one another and it is normal to lose a certain amount of hairs each day.  It is when the amount of hair that is lost exceeds the amount of hair that regrows that you start to notice that you are suffering a noticeable hair loss.

Sometimes medications or even medical conditions can affect hair growth and increase hair loss, so it is important to pinpoint any specific health conditions.  In pregnancy, women can experience a great deal of hair loss caused by hormones and often, because the woman’s body is directing all available energy to growing a baby, many of the body’s resources can suffer a deficit, one of the more noticeable ones is hair loss.

The patterns and cycles in which your hair grows are personal to you, and usually genetic.  If your family members are suffering from hair loss, then it is likely that you will, in the future, too.  This does not mean for sure that you are doomed to go bald, but it just increases the chances of hair loss because of genetic tendencies.

Other factors in hair growth include regular exercise, a healthy diet and taking regular supplements and vitamins as well as getting a good night’s sleep each and every night.


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